Semper Fidelis Health and Wellness
Non-Profit Organization | Member since June 28th, 2012
Semper Fidelis Health & Wellness (SFHW) is a community based 501(c)(3) tax exempt nonprofit corporation founded by two US Marine Corps Veterans. We are supported by a team of motivated and dedicated subject matter experts and volunteer practitioners. We are proud to be the first and only integrative health and wellness solution providing health & wellness education and programs to our nation's wounded, ill and injured warriors. SFHW's services are targeted towards active duty & reserve military, veterans and first responders, their families and caregivers.
At Semper Fidelis Health and Wellness, we are dedicated to improving the lives of all our members through health & wellness, with a special concern for those who suffer from wounds and injuries, post traumatic stress disorder and other combat related illnesses, chronic pain, disease, obesity and addiction. We propose there is no better investment in our nation's finest than honoring, empowering and motivating them in their own health & wellness. Join us we continue to advance our mission of providing free health & wellness services to those that we serve.
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Comments on the Military and Business Ownership
Once a Marine... always a Marine. Semper Fi!
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Nonprofit and Free Help >> Veterans Services >> Health Care Services for Veterans >> Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Nonprofit and Free Help >> Veterans Services >> Health Care Services for Veterans
Nonprofit and Free Help >> Mentor Programs
Nonprofit and Free Help >> Veterans Services >> Supporting Wounded Veterans