Little Jimmy's Italian Ice
Veteran Owned Business | Navy, Retired | Member since March 23rd, 2009
Where it Works
Little Jimmy's Italian Ice knows the locations that thrive. We can provide you with current listings of special events in your area where business could be most lucrative. Little Jimmy's has decades of experience in the business and has helped many of our customers become successful. We can offer guidance that has been proven to work. In fact, our website blog ( has testimonial video stories of our actual customers. These videos are shot at fairs, festivals, openings, sporting events, concerts, parks, tourist sites, malls, flea markets and more.
How it Works
By owning a Little Jimmy's Italian Ice business, you will become part of a family team with an affordable initial investment. We provide vending carts which fit inside most vans and SUV's; our push cart's insulated design requires no electricity or dry ice. Little Jimmy's Italian Ice is made on site
Please mention you proudly found Little Jimmy's Italian Ice on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!
Comments on the Military and Business Ownership
Serving in the Navy has given me the discipline to be a better business owner. I was able to commandeer my four sons into getting involved with our family run business, therefore running a tight ship. Our Italian Ice business is run by all walks of people across the United States (some of which are veterans).
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Food and Drink >> Ice Cream Parlors, Treats and Snacks
Business Services >> Franchises >> Food and Drink Military Veteran Owned Franchises >> Little Jimmy's Italian Ice Pushcart Franchises Owned by Military Veterans
Business Services >> Franchises
Business Services >> Franchises >> Food and Drink Military Veteran Owned Franchises