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Veteran Carpentry & Construction

Business Address:
11511 S Kedvale Ave.
Alsip, IL 60803
Cook County
Business Contact:
John Farrar
Contact Veteran Carpentry & Construction

Veteran Owned Business | Army National Guard, Reserves | Member since December 21st, 2012

Veteran Carpentry & Construction is owned and operated solely by veterans of Iraq/Afghan war.

Veteran Carpentry & Construction is dedicated in getting the job done to the best quality and trustworthy business. We put the utmost respect into our work, without cutting corners.

Veteran Carpentry & Construction's goal is to someday grow to be able to provide free construction for purple heart/disabled veterans. Currently we discount to those who have served.

Please mention you proudly found Veteran Carpentry & Construction on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

Comments on the Military and Business Ownership

As an Infantry soldier I have come into contact with people from all over the world, with different backgrounds, and different customs. I have adapted to get along with these people, though their culture clashes with ours. The values of life the Army has taught me makes me a man, the values I uphold and share with my customers makes me a good business man. I treat all my customers with the utmost respect, both during conversation, and also when working on their property.

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