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Coldlwell Banker Independent Agent - Kenneth Tibesar

Business Address:
576 Bielenberg Drive, #100
Woodbury, MN 55125
Washington County
Business Contact:
Mr Kenneth Tibesar
Contact Coldlwell Banker Independent Agent - Kenneth Tibesar

Veteran Owned Business | Navy, Separated | Member since July 30th, 2013
Business claims to be certified by the CVE

Coldlwell Banker Independent Agent - Kenneth Tibesar provides residential real estate sales for the St. Paul area including Washington and Dakota County. Specialty in listing and selling hobby farms.

Please mention you proudly found Coldlwell Banker Independent Agent - Kenneth Tibesar on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

Comments on the Military and Business Ownership

I was in the USN onboard a nuclear submarine. Team work was essential which developed into interpersonal skills necessary to maintain a good working relationship with members of the crew. While at sea, we would submerge and surface 60 to70 days later so it was essential that you were able to develop and maintain good relationships. The interpersonal skills that were developed and mastered while in the USN have benefited me in many jobs. As a Real Estate Agent, I enjoy meeting new people.

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