Linn City Chiropractic
Veteran Owned Business | Marines, Reserves | Member since August 31st, 2013
Our office is heavily networked with insurance companies. We treat from the very young to older athletes and everything in between, even dogs. Our mission is to provide you hope and options. Sometimes you need surgery, while other times it can be avoided. We can provide you a second opinion.
Please mention you proudly found Linn City Chiropractic on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!
Comments on the Military and Business Ownership
I have served 7 years in the active duty Marine Corps as a Reconnaissance Team Member. Key word being team. I joined the Army National Guard upon my honorable discharge. I served 7 years as a combat medic in the Reserves. This fueled my passion for medicine. I am now serving as an instructor in the Oregon National Guard. I have been a chiropractor since 12/2006 and the work ethic required of me; I credit my military service. The ethics, standards and high standards are the epitome of service.
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