TJM Training Concepts
Veteran Owned Business | Marines, Separated | Member since February 13th, 2014
Inherently we know that everyone wants to be safe - and we also know that our safety is easily taken for granted - until something happens. Keeping you, your family and/or business and employees safe is an area we are experts in.
Drawing on over two and a half decades of professional hands on experience, we offer classes that ensure clients at all levels will walk away with the skills and/or knowledge necessary to accomplish their goals. Classes are custom tailored to the specific needs of our clients in order to create a positive and realistic experience.
When faced with the unthinkable, only you can make the decision that is right for you based on the situation you are faced with.
"When seconds count, help is just minutes away. What are you going to do while you wait?" ~ TJ Milashouskas
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Comments on the Military and Business Ownership
It taught me commitment to a higher purpose, integrity is always the best policy. It taught me to lead by example and to stick to your principles. It taught me that repetitious training results in unwavering skills in time of need.
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