Sista Wares, Inc.
Veteran Owned Business | Army, Retired | Member since March 14th, 2014
You’ve never seen anything like these glass art pieces! We love creating these unique items that all our customers say are awesome. They’ve never seen anything like it and are so happy it is something different.
Please mention you proudly found Sista Wares, Inc. on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!
Comments on the Military and Business Ownership
In the Army I was in Finance and it helped me be prepared to do my own business by teaching me about accounting, bookkeeping, balancing and being strong. It is a challenge owning your own business but it is even more of a challenge if you don't understand the accounting side of the business. The military helped me focus on leadership skills, being goal-oriented and a having high level professionalism that I use in this business but also for my full-time job as well.
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