AMSOIL Independent Dealer - Albert Roberts
Veteran Owned Business | Navy, Retired | Member since October 11th, 2014
Please mention you proudly found AMSOIL Independent Dealer - Albert Roberts on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!
Comments on the Military and Business Ownership
The military service provided me with the tools to be self reliant. It turned me from a boy to a man, who had to think for himself. I was 20 when my last parent passed on, so I had to tackle life on my own. I have become pretty successful in the process. I have always believed that one should serve their country in some way, be it military, civil service or volunteer. Until one has done that, they can't fully understand the freedoms we have.
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Business Services >> Franchises >> Automotive Military Veteran Owned Franchises >> AMSOIL Independent Dealers Owned by Military Veterans
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