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Whatever It Takes Ministries

Business Address:
7414 Hamilton Run Drive
Chattanooga, TN 37421
Hamilton County
Business Contact:
Mrs. Alisha Chavez
Program Director
Contact Whatever It Takes Ministries

Non-Profit Organization | Member since March 18th, 2015

Whatever It Takes Outreach is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to making a difference in our community. WIT Outreach has three programs to improve the lives of our citizens. Our first program, Feed Chattanooga feeds the homeless every weekend. Our second program, D.A.B. Women and Children’s Outreach teaches women and children who are victims of domestic assault and abuse free self-defense classes. Our third program, Chattanooga Veteran’s Outreach is currently raising funds to build a homeless veterans shelter.

Please mention you proudly found Whatever It Takes Ministries on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

Comments on the Military and Business Ownership

My military service is actually what made me decide to start a nonprofit for veterans. We ended up being adopted by an existing nonprofit and we now are able to provide services to several groups of people.

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