Practical & Sensible Defensive Training, LLC
Practical & Sensible Defensive Training, LLC
Naugatuck, CT 06770-1549
New Haven County
Veteran Owned Business | Marines, Separated | Member since May 27th, 2015
We have over half a century of knowledge and experience in multiple firearm skills as well as in-depth technical knowledge of the various firearm designs, their functionality as well as their history.
Please mention you proudly found Practical & Sensible Defensive Training, LLC on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!
Comments on the Military and Business Ownership
With nine years of active duty under my belt, I learned valuable leadership skills as well as discipline. With numerous deployments to all parts of the globe, I was taught a deep appreciation for the freedoms we have in our country. Through these experiences, I learned how to deal with issues that spring up as road blocks and find solutions. I am able to bring my years of service to the table as a dedicated teacher.
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