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Moves That Matter

Business Address:
6521 E Barstow St.
Mesa, AZ 85205
Maricopa County
Business Contact:
Mrs Denise Majors
Contact Moves That Matter

Non-Profit Organization | Member since June 5th, 2016

FREE Real Estate Referral service that raises money to help homeless and disabled Veterans.

The Realtors who participate in the Moves That Matter campaign to end homelessness among Disabled Veterans make generous donations to local programs that provide disabled Veterans with everything from emergency shelter to down payment assistance programs and everything in between to make sure the Veteran can buy and keep a home that is appropriate for his/her disability.

ANY person planning to buy or sell a home can help homeless and disabled Veterans just by choosing one of our participating Realtors to assist with your next sale or purchase.

Please mention you proudly found Moves That Matter on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

Comments on the Military and Business Ownership

The time I spent in the military was some of the best and most productive years of my life. It laid the foundation for everything that has come after. Of course I learned about discipline, organization and the importance of teamwork. Most importantly, I learned to respect and appreciate the contributions of others and to honor those contributions in a meaningful way.

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