J.W.Crawford Management LLC
Veteran Owned Business | Air Force, Separated | Member since March 5th, 2022
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Comments on the Military and Business Ownership
If there is one thing that the United States Air Force will teach you, is how to identify an objective. If you want to be successful in business you need to do the same. Identify the objectives of your clients, establish the optimal solution and then deliver on the solution. One way to identify objectives is to first examine the goals. Goals, or aims, are the long-term results of projects. They indicate what a business wants to achieve through a project. Objectives are shorter-term, practical routes to achieving goals. Your client generation must convey the message that you know their "Right Now "objectives and you have the solution to any hurtles on the way to achieving their long term goals. The most important part now is to deliver. Deliver on your promises as a business, you have to make sure your product or services reflect exactly what you advertised and promised. Yes, I first learned that as an Airman in the United States Air Force
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