HirePatriots South Carolina
Non-Profit Organization | Member since October 1st, 2010
It is a free job board that list one day jobs, part time and full time jobs for Veterans and their families. The individual or business list the one day, part time or full time job at no cost and Veterans check the listings to see what they would be qualified to do and apply directly. The one offering the job would pay the Veteran directly. It helps our local
military and also helps the economy.
The National website (HirePatriots.com) has olisted over 500,000 jobs and helps thousands of Veterans and families throughout the year. We are listed in the top 1% of webpage traffic in the USA.
Go to HirePatriots.com and select South Carolina under the locations tab. Select post a job to list your job whether it be a one day job painting, landscape, auto repair, office work, house cleaning, moving, hauling and etc.
Please mention you proudly found HirePatriots South Carolina on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!
Comments on the Military and Business Ownership
My training throughout the military gave me a new perspective on what attention to detail consist of and how to delegate for better results.
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Employment Services >> Recruiting Firms >> Recruiting for Veterans and Service Disabled Veterans
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