Veteran Owned Business | Army, Separated | Member since January 26th, 2011
We keep you in front of your most important referral contacts consistently and professionally.
And we even write your content for you so you can focus on your business and not your computer screen!
MySMARTblog provides a full-service solution to business owners and busy professionals to take advantage of the awesome power of internet marketing.
We specialize in automating social media marketing activities to keep your company, message and brand out in front of your customers, referral partners and prospects while freeing you up to focus on the high income activities in your business.
We build your online communications center and integrate that with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more!
Please mention you proudly found on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!
Comments on the Military and Business Ownership
The military helped prepare me for success in business by instilling the importance of persistence, teamwork and ingenuity. These skills that were developed for use on the battlefield translated very well into the ups and downs of the business world. It is these same traits that have helped me to create new opportunities and find success in life.
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