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Ed Burns Sr

Business Address:
3846 Mack Rd.
Cincinnati, OH 45014
Butler County
DBA/Alternate Name/Nickname:

Business Contact:
Edward Burns Sr.
Marketing Management Partner
Contact Ed Burns Sr

Veteran Owned Business | Army, Separated | Member since November 10th, 2011
Business claims to be certified by the CVE

The problem we're solving

Have you ever known someone that had a missing person or child in his or her life? It's more than imaginable trauma for parents of missing child its, an emotion which deprives you of sleep, creates depression and 10 tons of grief. We're helping people find the missing and wanted in their lives by using a proprietary marketing method that promotes the story that enriches the life story and more than highlights the circumstance. We create a targeted customer base by developing Emotional Search Patterns, that is a proprietary method of marketing with proof that it works.

• Business model

V Locators' has one objective and that is to help people find the missing and wanted in their lives. We've created a new marketing method that gives the whole story and allows us to create individual Emotional Search Patterns. Our proprietary marketing process uses current digital tools and conventional marketing methods that allow us to target better, faster, stronger which equals real and personal results.

Please mention you proudly found Ed Burns Sr on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

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Ed Burns Sr - Tagline/Slogan:
Helping people find the missing and wanted in their lives.


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